/ Art / Section Through the Evolved City /

Section Through the Evolved City

Biro on Paper


594mm x 841mm


Delivery costs not included

This is a drawing of mine, created with black bic biro on heavyweight card. I started this drawing in late 2018 and was completed in scattered sessions over a three-year period.

This was one of those projects that was not intended to go anywhere. It was an idea I wanted to quickly put on paper and then move on, but soon enough the drawing developed into something more substantial and complex. Detailed pieces like these oftentimes seem to develop a mind of it’s own, and in this case only a small portion was planned beforehand, with most of the imagery being added piecemeal as the work spread out from the centre.

This drawing in particular started as an exploration of the concept of architectural permeance. The layering and stacking of different interconnected structures shows a world where nothing disappears, and things evolve through addition and accumulation. The evolving nature of the drawing process itself allowed this concept to develop into a more abstract representation of how context and history persists, with the work eventually forming a diagram of our own evolving human environment.

Click the email link to make an inquiry regarding the purchase of the original artwork, or click the link below for prints, posters and assorted reproductions.

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Portrait of Gary, Mark and Gabriel